标志性的抛球自扣,标志性的干拔三分。两届得分王,35秒13分,背伤膝伤;历史第二长的22连胜,7次季后赛第一轮的经历。King of kings、Lord of lords;被神妒忌的男人,天生的矛盾体。一些经历,一些言语:"Finally be in the second round"--"It's on me"--"I'll be back. We'll be back."--"We are going to go as far as I take it."
暮然回首,巅峰正逝。但对那无上荣光的渴望,从来未曾消逝一分一毫。"I can only imagine when that time comes. You take so much criticism through the years. It's your fault. But when your time finally comes and you shut everybody up, it's your time. You let the emotions out."那么当你摘下梦想之光的那一刻,请你不要哭。我能承受住那枚戒指的重量,但是在那一刻我看到你,一定会嚎啕似雨。我为你骄傲,我为你感动,我为你自豪。这些都会成为美好的回忆,但骄傲就真的是必需品么?